Professional growth with Magnus

Magnus HR
3 min readJun 24, 2021


You’ve been googling “HR and Recruitment in Armenia”. On the 1st page of search results, you find Magnus — the company where we do HR & Recruitment stuff :)

Are you curious to learn our secrets of staying on top of trends, innovation and keeping up with the best international practices?

First and foremost, at Magnus we are deeply passionate about lifelong learning, and even more about sharing our knowledge & experience with anyone who’s ready and willing to take it.

That’s why webinars, meetups and trainings are an integral part of our activities. So, what are the benefits we provide to HR & Recruitment enthusiasts in addition to professional development? Let’s see one by one.

🤝 Network

Learning from and together with leading specialists, having the opportunity to directly discuss and study their experience. These help new entrants to minimize mistakes and direct their focus on new advancements & ideas in the field.

📝 Practice

We are more than welcome towards personal opinions, questions and argumentations :) Respecting the diversity of approaches and experimenting with them in real life is the best way to improve.

📚 Useful sources

We read a lot, share a lot. We experience and recommend what works best especially in the local Armenian market, taking into account the continuously changing business tendencies.

🏢 Work and internship Magnus

Our team is compact, caring and friendly. Magnus trainees are given the chance to collaborate on projects and contribute to initiatives.

🍬 Sweeteners

  • Participation both offline and online, per wish
  • Working in Google Drive — neat and professional.
  • Bonus meetings with invited speakers.
  • Meeting with the team.
  • Upon completion, certificate + 15% discount for all Magnus trainings.
  • Fun and friends for lifetime :)

That’s not the end. Now, if you’ve read this article till the end — you will receive a special discount by sending the promo code to our Facebook page. Promo code: “Magnus is rocking”. See you 👋

Some feedbacks…

And moments…



Magnus HR

Your daily source for HR & Recruitment excellence.🚀 Join us for knowledge that elevates. 🌎 Managed by Magnus - HR & Recruitment agency.